This report has been prepared by a team of global experts and World Bank consultants. The global stocktaking of public procurement explores the potentially catalytic role of public procurement as an important driver of improved governance through the application of a value-for-money imperative. The dynamism of public purchasing has, as its ultimate motivation, gains in “social value” derived from government provision of public goods and services. Social value, in turn, reflects country-driven aspirations for not only better economy and efficiency in public purchasing but also greater effectiveness and equity through increased transparency, accountability, inclusion, and sustainability.
Download the Report:
The GPP News Alert is issued monthly and provides short articles, forthcoming GPP events, new initiatives and guides, updates on relevant legislation, an interview with a key stakeholder, and summaries of GPP examples.
The December 2021 issue hosts an interview with Dr. Anastasia Zacharopoulou, a public procurement expert, working for the General Directorate for Public Procurement (GDPP) and president of the working group for the National Action Plan (NAP) for Green Public Procurement (GPP).
Read the newsletter here:
FAO’s new publication on Public Food Procurement for Sustainable Food Systems and Healthy Diets.This publication aims to contribute to the improved understanding, dissemination, and use of Public Food Procurement (PFP) as a development tool in particular in the case of school meals programmes.In this report, researchers, policymakers, and development partners can find evidence on how PFP can be used as a development tool and deliver multiple benefits for multiple beneficiaries. It argues that PFP can provide a market for local and smallholder farmers, promote the conservation and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity, and improve the nutrition and health of children and communities.
Download the publication here:
This report from the World Bank Group provides an overview of international experience in the implementation of Green Public Procurement (GPP). It focuses on the institutional framework that is needed to support the mainstreaming of GPP practices across government. The intention is to equip practitioners with a broad understanding of the issues they need to consider in the design and implementation of GPP reforms. The report draws on a wide range of country examples. It provides links to handbooks and tools for practitioners. Countries can make a start by launching pilot green tenders for commonly procured items, using simple environmental criteria such as ecolabels. Scaling up requires leadership and investments in an enabling framework. Central finance and procurement agencies play a critical role in this effort.
Download the report here:
Published in October 2021, the Guidelines give direction to SPP policy makers, experts and consultants on designing SPP policies and implementing them. They can be used as a step-by-step guide on how to set up and strengthen a country’s long-term work on SPP and are also intended to be a point of reference and inspiration on sustainable procurement in general. Their aim is to provide a common vision, language and framework for SPP and to guide stakeholders on how to effectively pave the way towards SPP implementation.
This second edition of the SPP Guidelines incorporates a large number of best practices and case studies mostly gathered in the countries supported by the organization since 2012. The methodology proposed by UNEP has also been revised to take into account the lessons learned in our various SPP projects.
Download the “Second Edition of UNEP’s Sustainable Public Procurement Guidelines” here:
Since March 2021, the EU has been implementing new regulations regarding energy labels. The new labelling requirements are progressively being rolled out to nine product categories, which have significant impacts for public procurers purchasing/leasing electric appliances. To assist public procurers with this transition, the EU-funded BELT project has just published a White Paper summarising key provisions of the new labelling system and providing recommendations to public procurers for complying with the regulations.
For more information please visit the link and read the pdf document:
Athens, 02/07/2021
The General Directorate for Public Procurement (GDPP) of the General Secretariat for Commerce and Consumer Protection, which is the National Central Purchasing Body, is the proceeding authority for the implementation of the National Action Plan for Green Public Procurement and also the National Competence Center for Innovation Procurement.
GDPP continues its cooperation with the Conference of Vice Rectors for Financial Affairs of Greek Universities. In this context, GDPP successfully held informative online events on the 24th and 25th of June 2021 on Green Public Procurement and on Innovation Procurement respectively, aiming at broader synergies between the National Competence Center and the academic and research community of Greece. The events were attended by 80 executives of the Financial Services and the Special Account for Research Funds from 19 Universities in total, who will be the contact persons between the Universities and the National Central Purchasing Body. The overall goal is to raise awareness, build capacities and encourage the Universities to conduct public procurements with reduced environmental impacts during their life cycle, as well as the implementation of Innovation Procurement in order to promote innovative solutions and support research and innovation in our country.
At the event on Green Public Procurement the discussed topics were related to the European and national legislation, the National Action Plan for Green Public Procurement, eco-labels and environmental management systems, life cycle cost and good practices.
At the event on Innovation Procurement the discussed topics were related to the legislative framework, the financial instruments, and the implementation and monitoring of Innovative Public Procurement and the National Competence Center for Innovation Procurement.
In the context of this cooperation, more events and webinars will be organized in the near future.
From the Press Office
This new EU GPP criteria-set has just been published in English, together with the JRC background technical report. Translations of the criteria into all EU languages will follow.
For more information please visit the link and read the pdf document:
This new manual has just been published. For more information please visit the link and read the pdf document:
On 18 October 2021 the European Commission published a revised version of the GPP criteria for road transport, updating previous criteria published in 2019. The revision was necessary to adjust to the changes introduced by the Directive 2019/1161/EU on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles.
For more information please visit the link and read the pdf document:
The World Bank recently published a report providing an overview of international experience in the implementation of GPP. The report focuses on the institutional framework that is needed to support the mainstreaming of GPP practices across government, and seeks to equip practitioners with a broad understanding of the issues they need to consider in the design and implementation of GPP reforms. The report draws on a wide range of country examples, and provides links to handbooks and tools for practitioners.
For more information please visit the link